申請流程 application process
- 一、申請資格:
凡中華民國立案之電影製片業、傳播業、相關非營利組織、國際具公信力之製作團隊或大專院校系所拍攝有關台中市政府權管之場景或單位,或借用台中市政府權管之設施、財產,或申請台中市政府所屬各機關支援,其拍攝場景及拍攝內容有助提昇台中市形象,經提出對行銷本市有正面效益之拍攝企劃,得依「臺中市政府補助及協助拍片取景辦法」之§14、§15、§16相關規定申請協拍服務。 - 二、拍攝申請書需檢附附件如下:
- (一)申請書
- (二)拍攝企畫書 (企劃/腳本/劇本/申請人及公司聯絡方式/場景需求)
- (三)詳細拍攝內容及時程
- (四)工作人員名冊
- (五)場地切結書
- (六)工作照及劇照使用授權同意書
- 三、申請場地流程工作天
- (一)場地申請:
- 1.一般申請:7-10個工作天 (不含假日)
- 2.特殊場地申請:因申請案須行文至場館單位,並邀請權責單位會勘,約20-30個工作天前提出
- 3.上述兩種情況,皆需提供場地使用說明、場景陳設示意圖及其他依場地管理單位規定之相關文件。(視案件別而定)
- 4.部份場館需要依據場地管理機關地訂定之收費機制收取相應費用。
- (二)道路申請:
- 1.間歇性管制
- * 需提供臨時道路使用說明、場景陳設示意圖及其他依場地管理單位規定之相關文件。
- * 申請時間:7-10個工作天 (不含假日)
- 2.封街拍攝
- * 須提供交通維持計畫書、詳細拍攝時間及路線說明 (平面圖示、照片說明等 )、劇情說明、拍攝方式、特殊需求、現場管控方式、路線改道說明、告示牌設立位置...等。
- * 進行會勘作業/召開拍攝協調會
- * 拍攝前1週前擺放封路告示牌,並拍照回傳本會協拍小組
- * 申請時間:20-30個工作天 (不含假日)
- ※備註: 申請封路拍攝時間不接受臨時異動
- 1.間歇性管制
- (一)場地申請:
- 四、注意事項
- 違反規範者:若未依各場館之相關規範進行拍攝且情節重大者,將通報至各縣市協拍中心該案件之狀況,並公佈該劇組相關資訊,未來一年內不得申請協拍服務。
- 【本注意事項如有未盡事宜,本會保有最後說明解釋之權利。】
- 一、申請步驟
- 拍攝前:請於拍攝日30天前聯繫台中市影視發展基金會協拍窗口,並提供拍攝企畫書、授權同意書及相關申請文件,以電子郵件提出申請,再進行各別協助與協調。
- 拍攝後:請完成場地復原及歸還手續,並提供台中市影視發展基金會協拍窗口結案照片及影片資料。
- 拍攝期間:如有任何問題,請洽詢台中市影視發展基金會協拍窗口。
二、協拍窗口:財團法人臺中市影視發展基金會協拍組 info@tfdf.org.tw
周小姐 04-23236100分機33 shanon0130@tfdf.org.tw
韓小姐 04-23236100分機32 nanahan@tfdf.org.tw
賴先生 04-23236100分機34 kennylai@tfdf.org.tw
- I. Eligibility:
- Any film production industry, media industry, related non-profit organizations, internationally reputable production teams, or university departments of the Republic of China (R.O.C.) that shoot scenes or units under the authority of the Taichung City Government, or borrow facilities or properties under the authority of the Taichung City Government, or apply for support from various agencies under the Taichung City Government, and whose shooting scenes and contents help to promote the image of Taichung City and the proposed filming project will have a positive effect on the marketing of the city, may apply for production support services in accordance with §14, §15, and §16 of the “Regulations of Taichung City Government on Subsidy and Assistance in Filming”.
II. The following documents must be attached to the filming application form:- (I) Application form
- (II) Filming plan (plan/script/filmscript/applicant and company contact method/setting requirements)
(III) Detailed filming content and schedule
(IV) List of personnel
(V) Venue affidavit
(VI) Authorization consent form for the use of work photos and stills
- III. Number of working days for the venue application process:
- (I) Venue application:
- 1. General application: 7-10 working days (excluding holidays)
2. Special venue application: Application should be submitted 20-30 working days in advance because the application form must be issued to the venue in writing and the competent authority will be invited for review.
3. For both types of application, it is necessary to provide the description of the use of the venue, the schematic diagram of the scene setup, and other relevant documents according to the regulations of the venue management unit. (depending on the case)
4. Some venues will be required to charge the corresponding fees according to the fee mechanism set by the venue management unit
- 1. General application: 7-10 working days (excluding holidays)
- (II) Road application:
- 1. Intermittent control:
- * For both types of application, it is necessary to provide the description of the temporary use of the road, the schematic diagram of the scene setup, and other relevant documents according to the regulations of the venue management unit.
* Application time: 7-10 working days (excluding holidays)
- * For both types of application, it is necessary to provide the description of the temporary use of the road, the schematic diagram of the scene setup, and other relevant documents according to the regulations of the venue management unit.
- 2. Street closure for filming
- * the applicant must provide a traffic maintenance plan, detailed description of filming time and route planning (floor plan, photo illustration, etc.), plot description, filming method, special requirements, on-site control methods, route diversion instructions, location of signs... etc.
* Conducting survey operations/convening shooting coordination meetings
* Place road closure signs 1 week before filming, and take photos and send them back to our production support team.
* Application time: 20-30 working days (excluding holidays)
※ Note: Temporary changes are not accepted when applying for road closures.
- * the applicant must provide a traffic maintenance plan, detailed description of filming time and route planning (floor plan, photo illustration, etc.), plot description, filming method, special requirements, on-site control methods, route diversion instructions, location of signs... etc.
- 1. Intermittent control:
- (I) Venue application:
- IV. Notes
- Violation of regulations: If the shooting is not conducted in accordance with the relevant regulations of each venue and the violation is significant, the situation of the case will be reported to each county and city’s film production support center, and the relevant information of the film production crew will be announced, and this particular crew will not be allowed to apply for production support services in the next year.
[If there are any matters that are not covered in this note, the Foundation reserves the right to make final interpretations.]
- Violation of regulations: If the shooting is not conducted in accordance with the relevant regulations of each venue and the violation is significant, the situation of the case will be reported to each county and city’s film production support center, and the relevant information of the film production crew will be announced, and this particular crew will not be allowed to apply for production support services in the next year.
- I. Application Procedure
- Before Filming: Please contact the Taichung Film Development Foundation 30 days before the filming date, and provide the filming plan, authorization letter, and relevant application documents, and submit the application by email, then proceed with the various assistance and coordination.
After Filming: Please restore the filming location and complete the return procedures. Please also provide behind-the-scenes photos or videos to help us complete a report.
During Filming: Should you encounter any problem, please contact the production support staff.
- Before Filming: Please contact the Taichung Film Development Foundation 30 days before the filming date, and provide the filming plan, authorization letter, and relevant application documents, and submit the application by email, then proceed with the various assistance and coordination.
- II. Production support contact: Production Support Team, Taichung Film Development Foundation
- Ms. Chou 04-23236100 #33 shanon0130@tfdf.org.tw
Ms. Peng 04-23236100 #34 hsuanpeng@tfdf.org.tw - Mr. Lai 04-23236100 #31 sheeran@tfdf.org.tw
- Ms. Chou 04-23236100 #33 shanon0130@tfdf.org.tw
- 臺中市場景拍攝協助申請表及附件(公司) Taichung City Scene Filming Production Support Application Form and Attachments(Company)
- 臺中市場景拍攝協助申請表及附件(學校) Taichung City Scene Filming Production Support Application Form and Attachments(School)
- 拍攝計畫書 Shooting Proposal
- 切結書(公司) Written Pledge(Company)
- 切結書(學校) Written Pledge(School)
- 工作照及劇照使用同意書(公司) Authorization Consent Form(Company)
- 工作照及劇照使用同意書(學校) Authorization Consent Form(School)
- 拍攝場地風險評估清單(113.10更新)
- 安全維護計畫自行確認表(113.10更新)
- Taichung City Scene Filming Production Support Application Form and Attachments(Company)
- Taichung City Scene Filming Production Support Application Form and Attachments(School)
拍攝相關規定 Shooting regulations
- (文件) 台中國家歌劇院「影視及廣告拍攝管理辦法」 (DOCUMENT) National Taichung Theater “Film and Advertisement Shooting Management Regulations”
- (文件) 台中港區範圍無人機使用申請 (DOCUMENT) Application for Use of Drones in the Port of Taichung Area
- (文件) 台中市政府建設局使用場地申請書 (DOCUMENT) Taichung City Government Construction Bureau Application for Use of Site
- (文件) 台中都會公園場地借用申請表 (DOCUMENT) Taichung Metropolitan Park Application for Use of Venue